Pr. Assa Auerbach, Technion

Jeudi 29/01/2015, 14h
Amphi Holweck, Esc C, 1ème etage

Dynamics of two dimensional bosonic superconductors

Assa Auerbach
Physics Department, Technion, Haifa, Israel

Charge 2e lattice bosons are a natural paradigm for Non Fermi Liquid behaviour of strong coupling superconductors.
I will review our extensive work [1-3] on the dynamics of two dimensional lattice bosons including the resistivity and
complex conductivity, which indeed exhibit unconventional, or "bad metal", phenomenology.
A modified "Homes Law" scaling law for lattice bosons, is found between the superfluid density and linear resistivity slope.
which surprisingly, agrees with systematic scaling studies in cuprates, by Amit Keren’s group.
The lattice bosons also predicts the observability of the collective amplitude (Higgs) mode.
Recent calculations of the complex conductivity near the
superconductor to insulator transition, have led to the search and discovery
[4] of the Higgs mode in Terahertz spectroscopy of disordered superconducting films.

1. Netanel H. Lindner and Assa Auerbach, Phys. Rev. B81, 054512, (2010)
2. D. Podolsky, A. Auerbach, D. P. Arovas, Phys. Rev. B 84, 174522 (2011)
3. S. Gazit, D. Podolsky, A. Auerbach, Phys. Rev. Lett. \bf 113, 240601 (2014).
4. D. Sherman et. al. Nature Physics (in press)

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