Domenico Di Sante, Université de Wuerzburg

Jeudi 13 Décembre 2018 à 11h00, Amphi Urbain, Bat N, RdC

Spin-Orbit driven Phenomena and their Interplay with External Factors. Modeling Cross Coupling Interactions in Ferroelectric Rashba Systems.

Advanced materials are making their way into every aspect of modern life and society, from electronics to communications, from transport to energy. Within this framework, approaches providing a quantitative non empirical modeling of materials, based on the laws of physics, are experiencing a growth in almost all areas of material science. Supported by this spirit, this talk tackles the area of modeling cross coupling interactions in complex systems by using and combining different numerical and theoretical methods. In fact, complex systems always show entangled interactions, very often acting on comparable energy scales, so that the description of one interaction can’t prescind from the description of the others and of their combined effects. I will focus on spin-orbit induced phenomena, in particular on Rashba effect, and I will aim at describing the interplay of such cross coupling interaction with ferroelectricity in novel technological materials.

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