Johan Chang, EPFL, Lausanne

Jeudi 4 Décembre 2014, 14h
Amphi Holweck, Esc C, 1ème etage

Organization of charge, spin and orbital order in correlated oxide materials

Johan Chang
EPFL, Lausanne

A rich variation of ground states ­ quantum matter ­ is found in materials
where electronic charge, spin and orbital degrees of freedom are important. This
is why layered oxide materials exhibit a zoo of interesting phenomena such as
for example superconductivity, spin and charge order, Mott insulating phases
and pseudogap physics. This talk, that has two parts, presents recent
synchrotron diffraction and spectroscopy experiments on oxide materials. The first
part is concerned with outstanding questions related to charge order, pseudogap
physics and high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates. This followed by a
presentation of new RIXS experiments that address the role of spin-orbital interaction
in metallic and insulating rutenates.

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